
Age Group: Years 4 – 6
Curriculum Links:
Design and Technology, Art and Design,
Science; Materials.
Literacy: written instructions, writing for a younger audience.
What do I need?
A4 thin card/paper [200gm]
Examples of tins made to commemorate a special event.

Unit Summary

Children design a tin to package something for a celebration! This lesson is based on a design and technology task linked to a special event. There are many examples of special metal packaging linked to seasonal gifts, anniversaries and celebrations. Usually, these speciality packages contain biscuits, sweets or other speciality food items.

Teacher Information

This lesson is based on a design and technology task linked to a special event. There are many examples of special metal packaging linked to seasonal gifts, anniversaries and celebrations. Usually, these speciality packages contain biscuits, sweets or other speciality food items. The task in this lesson is to design a metal package for an unusual item that is not usually associated with this kind of packaging. The class may be able to provide examples of ‘celebration’ packaging and unusual items that have been provided with metal packaging. This may include items such as watches, T-shirts or toys.

The lesson has three linked tasks:

  • Choose an event to celebrate & Decide on the item to be packaged
  • Design and make a prototype of the packaging
  • A presentation of the packaging

Unit Materials

Lesson Celebrate.doc

Celebrate_ICT AddOn.doc

Extensions and Variations

This activity can also be varied or extended by:

  • Asking each group to package the same item for the same event. E.g. A toy for a birthday.
  • Inviting groups to produce an advertisement for their celebration product.
  • Testing the package for consumer appeal by inviting other children to evaluate its impact

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